Art Expressions provides a rich and diverse cultural experience for the local community. We are a "Gallery on the Move", and you never know where we will "pop" up! Artist of all ages come together and attend events throughout San Joaquin County, showing off their many talents. Please check our calendar for our event list schedule and our Facebook page for last minute additions.


AESJ is comprised of painters, photographers, sculptors, weavers, jewelers, authors, musicians

and mixed media artists.


Art Expressions enjoys a few semi-permanent locations in Stockton. The County Administration Building at 44 N. San Joaquin St., the Chase building, The RTD transit building, the San Joaquin office of Education and Mezzo's Restaurant. Art Expressions can curate your office or "pop up" at your special event just give us a call 209-471-5687.


Join Art Expressions in promoting the arts in San Joaquin County. Volunteer, donate, participate, attend, or purchase local art.  Any or all help local art thrive in our community.


Please visit our Desktop Web Site for more complete information.



Download Student Art Show Submission Form Here